
Miss Uttarakhand 2024, Radhika Joshi sheds light on what it means to be a Beauty Icon?

Radhika Joshi Miss Uttarakhand 2024

Despite the widespread recognition of beauty pageants in India, many still find it difficult to understand their relevance. In a conversation with us, Miss Uttarakhand, Radhika Joshi simplifies the concept and importance of beauty pageants. 

Defining what can truly be deemed “iconic” becomes markedly clearer when defining niches like music or art but when it comes to beauty pageants, the allure of becoming an icon is often misunderstood especially amidst the inundation of social media hype. The phrase “icon” or “iconic behavior” has become ubiquitous, applied liberally to social media influencers, trendy models, and celebrity figures. Yet, the true essence of what it means to be an icon gets lost in the superficial gloss. However, within the beauty industry, the definition of an “icon” remains elusive. What criteria delineate a beauty icon from a fleeting trendsetter? This question underscores the complexity and depth behind the label. In India, despite their widespread recognition of beauty pageants, many people fail to understand the relevance of beauty pageants and the significance of beauty icons. To some, these events may appear as mere spectacles, showcasing superficial beauty and glamor. However, some might overlook the aspects like  empowerment, cultural representation, and societal influence. Radhika Joshi who has been crowned as Miss Uttarakhand this year shares her perspective on what it means to be a beauty icon? 

Here is what she shared: 

What does winning the title of Miss Uttarakhand mean to you personally? 

Winning the title of Miss Uttarakhand is incredibly meaningful to me. It’s not just about getting a crown; it’s about the whole experience and what it stands for. It showed that all the efforts I’ve put in, along with the support from my loved ones, has paid off. It’s also a chance to highlight the beauty and culture of Uttarakhand to a wider audience. And most importantly, it’s an opportunity to make a positive impact and enjoy the journey along the way.

How does winning a beauty pageant provide one with a platform to amplify their voice and advocate for important causes?

Winning the title of Miss Uttarakhand carries a big responsibility to be a role model and promote positive change. I believe it’s crucial to use this platform to tackle important issues that matter to me and my community. To me, this might mean supporting causes like education, protecting the environment, empowering women, or raising awareness about mental health.

As a pageant winner and beauty icon, what responsibilities do you feel come with the title, and how do you intend to use your platform to make a positive impact?

I aim to connect with local communities through outreach programs, workshops, and events, teaming up with organizations and individuals who share similar goals. I’ll also use social media and traditional media platforms to spread my message and encourage others to get involved. My ultimate objective is to make a real, positive difference in the lives of those around me and contribute to the overall improvement of society.

Beauty pageants are sometimes criticized for perpetuating stereotypes. Is it as true as people say it is? What are some common misconceptions you have heard? 

While it’s true that beauty pageants have been criticized for perpetuating certain stereotypes, especially regarding beauty standards and gender roles, it’s essential to acknowledge their evolution over time. Some argue that these events place too much emphasis on physical appearance, potentially reinforcing narrow beauty standards and objectifying women. Additionally, concerns exist about their contribution to reinforcing traditional gender roles. However, it’s important to recognize that many contestants today leverage their platforms to advocate for crucial causes, challenge stereotypes, and promote diversity and inclusion. Beauty pageants serve as a platform for empowerment, offering women opportunities to showcase their talents, intelligence, and leadership abilities.

What steps do you believe can be taken to challenge traditional beauty standards and promote inclusivity within the pageant industry and society at large?

Ultimately, the impact of beauty pageants hinges on how they are organized and the values they uphold. Through embracing diversity, inclusivity, and social responsibility, beauty pageants can transcend mere competitions based on physical appearance. Instead, they can turn into platforms for positive change and empowerment.

Why do you think representation and diversity are important in the world of beauty pageants, and how do you plan to advocate for greater diversity and inclusion within the industry?

Representation and diversity are vital in the world of beauty pageants because they mirror the diversity of our society. When contestants from various backgrounds, ethnicities, body types, and experiences are showcased, it sends a powerful message of inclusivity and acceptance. Beauty pageants have the opportunity to embrace a wide spectrum of beauty standards and celebrate the uniqueness of individuals, rather than adhering to a narrow, one-size-fits-all definition of beauty.

As an advocate for diversity in beauty pageants, I aim to lead by example and actively promote inclusivity in every aspect of my involvement. This entails encouraging contestants from diverse backgrounds to participate, amplifying their voices and stories, and advocating for fair and inclusive judging criteria. Additionally, I plan to collaborate with like-minded organizations and individuals to challenge stereotypes, dismantle barriers, and foster a more inclusive and representative beauty pageant industry. Through these collective efforts, my aspiration is to inspire positive change and create a more inclusive space for everyone.

Based on the conversation we had with Radhika Joshi, we get an idea of what her perception of a beauty icon is. With a commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and social responsibility, Radhika sees beauty pageants as platforms for positive change and empowerment. Her advocacy for representation and inclusion in beauty pageants reflects her belief in celebrating the uniqueness of individuals and challenging narrow beauty standards. And according to her, this comes as a responsibility to a Beauty Icon. 

What are your thoughts on this topic? Tell us in the comments below! 

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